World Sounds

Spanish Traditional Music

Celtic peoples from Central-Europe settled here from about 1000 BC. Where in more southern and eastern parts of the Iberian peninsula the Celts agglomerated with the Iberians (and some other peoples), in this part of the Iberian peninsula the Celtic culture and society stayed being dominating. Just as certain Celtic cultural and sociological characteristics survived in these northwestern parts of Spain, many Celtic musical traditions also remain.
Ancient traditional Celtic melody, harmony and rhythm structures still dominate the traditional music from these regions. The instruments also mostly have Celtic origins.
Most commonly used are the bagpipes (called: Gaita in Spain), drums, flutes, harps (especially in Galicia) and the clarinet (in Cantabria). The music often has a melancholic feel, especially in Galicia.
Along with other regions in Europe, such as Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Brittanny, these regions in the northwest of Spain belong to the regions where the ancient Celtic traditions and music survived.

THE BASQUE REGION (EUSKADI): (Northwest/North-Spain)

The Basques form a people of their own with in fact an unknown origin. They have an own language (of unknown origin) and many ancient traditions and cultural characteristics remain.

Musical traditions also remain. Typically in Basque music is the somewhat collective character of it. Choir-singing is important in a lot of Basque music. Music structures in Basque music often are of ancient origin. The Basques have some unique musical instruments such as the Txalaparta: a wooden instrument consisting of a sort of board(s) played by sticks and with high drum sounds, and the Txistu:originally a shepherd's flute with a somewhat shrill sound and playable with one hand. Another instrument used in Basque music is the Alboka (a type of horn/clarinet).

Other used musical instruments include drums (often combined with the Txistu: with the other hand) and trumpets.

South American Music

The Andes regions of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile have a wide variety of musical traditions. Huayno is the name given to the traditional music of the Andes and is famous for the use of panflutes. While there is a long tradition of musical heritage in the Andes, today's music is influenced by the Native South Americans, the Spanish, and Africans brought to the area as slaves. Roman Catholicism also has an influence in the music. Music in the Andes is part of every day life. There is music for agricultural labor, for building houses, for funerals, and for marketing cattle, sheep and goats. There are also numerous traditional dances and traditional dance songs.

Lyrics of the songs are in either Spanish and Quechua. Subjects include the earth, the seasons, harvest time, love, family, children, and the stars. Types of instruments include, pan pipes, flutes, rattles, the guitar (introduced by the Spanish), a native guitar called the charango, and the drum. The music's African influence is evident in the rhythms. Polyrhythms that are Pre-Columbian in origin are also used.

Valses (waltzes) are popular in Peru. While it is true that they have European roots, valses have evolved into a unique form in Peru. Salsa music is more popular on the coasts of Peru and is also the number one type of music in other South American countries although it is typically thought of as a Cuban form. Carmen Miranda, the Bossa Nova, and the Lambada are other popular South American dances and dance songs.

Soca is a form of music popular in the Caribbean area. Soca music is dance music, with a rhythmic one-two beat. It is a blend of soul and calypso. Soca is sung in English. A form of dance similar to Soca but more popular in the south is the merengue. The words to this song are sung in Spanish or a different Latin American language. The dances and the rhythms are similar however.

Prior to the arrival of the Spanish, the main instruments used in the Andes were wind instruments, especially flutes and drums. The biggest Spanish influence on musical instruments is in the form of guitar-based instruments. Along with guitars, the Spanish brought instruments such as harps, mandolins, violins, transverse flutes, pipes-and-tabors, and oboes to South America. The most popular instruments today are the kena, siku, charango, guitar, and bombo. These instruments all originated in southern Peru or Bolivia. However, the actual music played is a mixture of Native South American, Spanish, and African styles.

The most famous dance and song of Argentina is the Tango. Tango began in the mid 19th century among the members of a social class that formed in Buenos Aires. People that formed this class were immigrants from inland Argentina, European immigrants, and porteños. Tango was a cultural mixture from all of these people and was a way for the people to be united in their new home. Tango is more than music, it contains a particular language, certain usages and customs ,and a characteristic philosophy.

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