Montag, 21. Februar 2005

Slam on Fabric 09. (London)

Orde Meikle, Oxford 1964
Stuart McMillan, Glasgow 1966

Stuart: "Sadly, my mum is no longer with us and the CD is dedicated to her. She was the musically-minded one in the family and always had music playing in the house - jazz and Ella Fitzgerald, that kind of thing.”
Orde: "My background is a little more ‘hippy’ than Stuart’s. My dad’s a university lecturer of moral philosophy and very left wing . My Mum’s Danish… I didnt wear shoes as an infant and saw a lot of the world as a child.”

Stuart: "I got into punk at the age of 11 through listening to the John Peel show - we grew up with that show and Peel also introduced us to reggae and some very early electro and hip hop – it’s an honour to follow him in the fabric CD series!”
Orde: "We got into dance heavily in about ’86, it was kind of a spin-off from the funk and electro scene of that time."

Stuart: "We did our first club - Slam - in Glasgow in 1988 in a small place which was packed with 200 people. Within a year we had 2000 people turn up at a Slam all-nighter at the city’s Tramway. We then did a weekly residency at the sub club for 4 years and moved to the Arches in the early nineties, where we now do Pressure once a month.”

Stuart: "We started Soma in 1991 doing a few releases a year and built it over time – keeping it independent and putting out music we really believe in. I think the strength in Soma is with the A & R – there’s 5 of us and listening sessions can get crazy! The label is about growing artists and the music policy is varied and keeps people guessing."

Orde: "We are really connected and this was cemented with the 4 deck sets we did together at last year’s festivals and bigger clubs. We can go record shopping separately and come back with a lot of the same tunes!”
Stuart: "This CD reflects our DJing sound in Room 2 at fabric, starting deep and getting gradually more intense towards the end. Mad Mike’s amazing "Inspiration" is the last track - I’m sure that’s going to grow and develop exactly as ‘Jaguar’ did."

Stuart: "It’s the club that London needed badly. To have that booking policy is brilliant. I think it has rejuvenated the scene and maybe now, more commercially-minded people have thought ‘hang on, you can do different things and do well’."

Stuart: "At the moment we’re working on our new artist album. We’re working in a weird way - switching between tracks, adding bits and pieces here and there, tweaking things. We’re capturing those "moments" when they happen and building on them over time.”
Orde: "That should be out this year some time. I’d say we have four or five tracks looking really strong at the moment."

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