Genre of music based in the use and manipulation of real (concrete) sounds sampled or recorded as part of the creative and composition process, as the oposite to "abstract" classical music which is traditionally composed by writing down the score and later performed by muicians.
PIERRE SCHAEFFER was the father of Musique Concrete, who in 1948 started a series of experiments with natural sounds recorded and played back in a musical context.
In 1951 Schaeffer co- founded the Groupe de Recherche de Musique Concrete where other composers where involved such as PIERRE HENRY (Schaeffer's collaborator and one of the main Concrete composers), and Messiaen and his pupils Pierre Boulez, KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN, and George Barraque.
IANIS XENAKIS was another of the most important Concrete composers who in 1958 composed the piece "Concret PH" using just an amplified burning charcoal as the sound source . He also published "The Crisis of the Serial Music" (1955), which was one of the most important Concret observations on polyphony and musical objects.
Genre of music based in the use and manipulation of real (concrete) sounds sampled or recorded as part of the creative and composition process, as the oposite to "abstract" classical music which is traditionally composed by writing down the score and later performed by muicians.
PIERRE SCHAEFFER was the father of Musique Concrete, who in 1948 started a series of experiments with natural sounds recorded and played back in a musical context.
In 1951 Schaeffer co- founded the Groupe de Recherche de Musique Concrete where other composers where involved such as PIERRE HENRY (Schaeffer's collaborator and one of the main Concrete composers), and Messiaen and his pupils Pierre Boulez, KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN, and George Barraque.
IANIS XENAKIS was another of the most important Concrete composers who in 1958 composed the piece "Concret PH" using just an amplified burning charcoal as the sound source . He also published "The Crisis of the Serial Music" (1955), which was one of the most important Concret observations on polyphony and musical objects.
Philippe La PlastiQue - 8. Nov, 15:31